петък, 5 май 2017 г.

Recent citations in the foreign press

Financial Times-May 4, 2017
... of Nato, has toned down his anti-western rhetoric, according to Daniel Smilov, an analyst at the Centre for Liberal Strategies, a think-tank.

Former PM Borisov claims victory in Bulgarian election
Financial Times-Mar 26, 2017
But in fact there are overlapping areas of interest,” said Daniel Smilov, analyst at the Centre for Liberal Strategies, a Sofia think-tank.

Bulgaria's election is unlikely to do much to clean up corruption
The Economist-Mar 25, 2017

lalibre.be-May 4, 2017
Ils "ont abandonné leurs idées exotiques pour participer au pouvoir", décrypte le politologue Daniel Smilov interrogé par l'AFP. Les Patriotes ...
Presseportal.de (Pressemitteilung)-11 hours ago
Er enthält Beiträge von Helmut K. Anheier, Claus Offe, Daniel Smilov, Didi Kuo, Thamy Pogrebinschi, Matthias Haber, Ewa Atanassow, ...
Denník N-May 3, 2017
Bojko Borisov sa tretíkrát stane bulharským premiérom, tentokrát bude prvýkrát v histórii vládnuť s nacionalistami. Foto – TASR/AP ...
Novinite.com-Jan 8, 2017
Political scientist Daniel Smilov has published an analysis of what he calls "non-Bulgaria" - a collective term for all forces that resist change for ...
askanews-May 4, 2017
“Il fatto che abbiano di recente cambiato linguaggio non muta la loro ostilità verso minoranze e migranti”, ha sottolineato Daniel Smilov, del ...
Open Democracy-Sep 14, 2015
These justifications seem to be logically weak: the problem, however, is that they capture the imagination of large masses of people in Europe.
TPI-Apr 27, 2017
... Bulgaria avrà la presidenza di turno dell'Ue, questo è l'obiettivo principale”, ha detto Daniel Smilov del Centro per le strategie liberali di Sofia ...
Financial Times-Nov 28, 2016
“It is true that the present situation has few parallels with 2013, but, still, we need to be careful,” says Daniel Smilov of the Centre for Liberal ...

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